The holy night is finally here.
Darkness, Evil is ready to fear.
Prince of darkness awes to him.
He is the survivor, He is Ardhanarishwar.
Reverence chanting is turned on.
Removing Obsession and fear gone.
Mount Kailas is glorified.
With the dance of creation,preservation,and destruction.
Ideal husband with balance in everything.
Intolerant of injustice; Symbol of Harmony.
Yogishwar; Dancer; Ashutosh; Benevolent.
He is father; He is Immortal.
Ideal teacher of perfect life.
Keep calm and carry on.
Materialistic things never stay long.
Free from desires; Free from Obsessions.
Dance dispels cloud of Evil.
Installs faith, hope, and wisdom.
He is far yet nearer to the soul.